Wednesday, September 11, 2019

History, Propaganda, and the Other 9/11

You received two texts today, "9/11, the Day Everything Changed in Chile" and "The Propaganda of History".  Follow the instructions below:

A. On September 11, 1973, the government of President Salvador Allende in the country of Chile was overthrown by elements of the Chilean military.  This overthrow, or coup d'etat, was supported by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other departments of the US government.  The coup d'etat in Chile installed a military dictatorship that lasted fifteen years, in which thousands of Chilean citizens were executed, imprisoned, and/or forced into exile.

Read the reflection by Ariel Dorfman, a Chilean writer who has taught for many years at Duke University, and answer the following in your notebook:

1.  What is your reaction to Dorfman's reflection?  What questions are raised for you?
2.  How can the perspective of someone like Dorfman help us to understand our own history differently?

B.  W.E.B. DuBois, an African-American scholar, writer and activist comments that history can be used propagandistically, an important insight that is worth exploring.  Answer the following in your notebook:

1.  Summarize DuBois's key points.
2.  What might be the relationship between what DuBois states and Dorfman's experience and sentiments?
3.  Identify and describe an example in which history has been used propagandistically.

Due:  Thursday, September 12

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