Wednesday, November 13, 2019

In-class Writing Assignment/Taylor's "Chesapeake"

1. Prepare for an in-class writing assignment on  Friday, November15:

Prompt:  What were some of the key characteristics of the English who settled North America in the early 17th century?

From the list below, choose either a and c or b and d to discuss:

     a. society
     b. economy
     c. religion
     d. mentalites

You should be able to discuss and give specific information for these areas from your notes on the sources.

Sources include:
 Taylor, "Virginia", Foner pages 54-69
 C. Hill, "Masterless Men"
 "Elizabethan Beliefs"
 Internet sources:  "Early Modern England," "Religion in England"

Limit your response to 1 1/2 pages.  You are not writing an essay per se, but, rather, an extended response.

Prepared notes will be checked for a grade on Friday while completing the writing assignment.

2.  Read Taylor's "Chesapeake Colonies", pages 138-157.  Take notes by section.

Due:  Monday, November 18

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