Monday, December 9, 2019

African Spirituality, part 2

Read pages 166-171 of S. Stuckey’s “African Spirituality” and answer the following:

1.    What is the meaning of the “King Buzzard” tale? (pg 166)

2.    What was the feenda, and how did it relate to enslaved African jumping from the slave ships?

3.    Who was Charley, and what role did he play withing the enslaved community of Albany, New York (pgs 167-169)

4.    What was the Pinkster celebration? (pg 168)

5.    In what ways does Stuckey discuss the rebellion of 1712 and the “Great Conspiracy” of 1741 in New York? (pgs 169-170)

6.    How was the Pinkster celebration more than it seemed for Africans?  For whites? (pg 171)

Answer in your notebook.

Due:  Tuesday, December 10

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