Tuesday, December 10, 2019

African Spirituality, part 3

Read pages 172-177 of S. Stuckey’s “African Spirituality,” and answer the following:

1.    Describe Charley’s music.  What is the source Stuckey relies on for an understanding of Charley’s art?  (pgs 172-173)
2.    What was the nature and meaning of the dance?  Where did it take place most significantly? (pgs 173-174)
3.    Identify five of Stuckey’s key points about African cemeteries. (pages 174-175)
4.    What African practices around burial were misunderstood by whites? (pg 174-175)
5.    How did the dance of Pinkster and of Africans like Charley get adapted by whites? (pg 175-176)
6.    What does Stuckey say about resistance? (pg 174-176)

Due:  Wednesday, December 11

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