Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Homework for Tuesday, December 3

For Period 2:
A.     Read Taylor's chapter, "New England", take notes by section, and answer the following:

1. Identify and describe the Puritan values of the period.
2. What was the “Great Migration”?
3. Why did New England attract a different set of immigrants from the Old World compare to the Chesapeake region?
4. Discuss the relationship of land and labor in New England. What was the social relationship of Puritans?
5. Analyze and compare and contrast family life in New England. Pay attention to the role of women.
6. Why was commerce the major source of economic sustenance and development?
7. Why was Massachusetts known as the “Bible Commonwealth” Why all the concern over education?
8. Why was there such a flap over the Witchcraft issue? ]
9. For what reason was there declension according to Alan Taylor? Was the declension myth or fact?

B.  Review notes from video.

For Period 8:

   A.Read Foner, pages 69-89.  Take notes by section.  Answer Review Questions 3-7 (page 90).

   B. Review notes from video.

Due:  Tuesday, December 3


Monday, November 25, 2019

Video link

Africans in America--The Terrible Transformation


Equiano, part 2--for PERIOD 8

Read Chapter 2 of Equiano's narrative (found in the Links, to the left).  Answer the following questions:

1.       Create a chronology of his capture and journey to the coast.  Include at least ten items.

2.        Once aboard the slave ship, what happens to him?
3.        How does he feel about the person who managed to jump overboard?

Due:  Tuesday, November 26

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Olaudah Equiano, Chapter 1

Access the Narrative of Olaudah Equiano in the Links column to the left.

 Read Chapter 1 and answer the following questions:

1.      Why is he writing his narrative?
2.      How does he seem to address stereotypes that whites might have of Africans?
3.       Describe the housing and furnishings of Equiano’s people.

4.       Agriculturally, how is Guinea worked by the “Eboe?”

5.      How do Equiano’s people create their calendar?

6.        What does he say about their practice of medicine?  About poison?

7.       In what ways does Equiano attempt to show similarities between his people and his English readers?

Due:  Friday, November 22

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

In-class Writing Assignment/Taylor's "Chesapeake"

1. Prepare for an in-class writing assignment on  Friday, November15:

Prompt:  What were some of the key characteristics of the English who settled North America in the early 17th century?

From the list below, choose either a and c or b and d to discuss:

     a. society
     b. economy
     c. religion
     d. mentalites

You should be able to discuss and give specific information for these areas from your notes on the sources.

Sources include:
 Taylor, "Virginia", Foner pages 54-69
 C. Hill, "Masterless Men"
 "Elizabethan Beliefs"
 Internet sources:  "Early Modern England," "Religion in England"

Limit your response to 1 1/2 pages.  You are not writing an essay per se, but, rather, an extended response.

Prepared notes will be checked for a grade on Friday while completing the writing assignment.

2.  Read Taylor's "Chesapeake Colonies", pages 138-157.  Take notes by section.

Due:  Monday, November 18

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Religion in England

Take notes from the page found herehttp://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/7.html

Also, make sure to read and take notes at the links found at the bottom of the page on "Catholics", "Church of England" and "Calvinists".

a. Identify the key differences between Church of England and Calvinists.

b. What were the principle issues English Protestants had with Catholicism?

Monday, November 11, 2019

Structures of Thought in the Elizabethan Age

1.  Summarize each of the sections.

2.  What is familiar to you?  What is strange?

3.  What general comments can you make about Elizabethan thinking? Come up with three statements.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Classwork: Early Modern England

1. Look at this page: http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/31.html

How would you characterize medical thought and practice in early modern England?

2.  Foods of the era in England are here:  http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/38.html
Take notes.

3.  Identify at least three of the attitudes or mentalities of masters and servants here:  http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/14.html

4.  Summarize the Elizabethan expectations for Apprentices and the terms of Indenture from here:

 Based on this small sampling about daily life in early modern England, how would you say that "the past is a foreign country"?

Complete in your notebook. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

"Virginia", part 2--For Period 2

Finish reading Taylor's chapter on Virginia.  Take notes.

Due:  Wednesday, November 6

Friday, November 1, 2019

"Masterless Men"

 1.  Read pages 39-50 from A World Turned Upside Down (found in the Links column on the left side of this page).  Make sure you use the page numbers on the book and not the pdf page numbers.

2.  Answer the Guided Reading Questions found here  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzc8LRLbBamTeEhGVFlqenlXTWM/view?usp=sharing  in your notebook.


Due Monday, November 4