Thursday, February 27, 2020

African-Americans and the Revolution

Document #1:  Read page 245 in Foner.

Document #2:  Read "Negroes Protest Against Taxation Without Representation" handout.

What do the documents say about the position of African-Americans during the period of the Revolution?  Quote both documents in your response.

Due:  Friday, February 28

In-class Writing, Friday Feb 28:

How what ways did people encounter limits to the ideals expressed by the Revolution?

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

New Jersey and Women's Right to Vote

How was it that the right to vote was extended to women in NJ and then rescinded?

What questions do you have about the article?

The Legacy of "Notes on the State of Virginia"

Read these two documents from the antebellum period in the U.S.:   (George Fitzhugh)     (John Henry Hammond)

How does each document echo Jefferson's comments in "Notes on the State of Virginia"?  Quote both articles as well as Jefferson in your response.

In what way does each document seek to support the system of slavery?

Monday, February 24, 2020

The Limits of Freedom--Jefferson and Banneker

Read the following:

     --Jefferson states that blacks are "inferior in endowments of both mind and body"--what is the "evidence" that he provides to support such an assertion?  Identify--in your own words--at least six pieces of evidence.

      --What are Banneker's key arguments in his letter to Jefferson?  Identify at least three of his points.

Due:  Tuesday, February 25

Friday, February 21, 2020

The Meaning of the Revolution and Women

Read Foner pages 248-252.

      1. How was a gender a factor in the ways in which the ideals of the revolution were not fully realized?

      2. What was "republican motherhood"?

Read the document on page 244.

      3.  What does Abigail Adams say about the role of gender in the struggle for independence?

Due:  Monday, February 24

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Revolution Within

Read Foner, pages 221-225.

        --Identify and describe four ways in which freedom was "democratized" during the years of the founding of the United States.

Read Foner, pages 230-233.

       --What was the meaning of the Revolution in economic terms, especially for workers?

Read Foner, pages 233-238.

        --Identify the ways in which freedom/the Revolution was limited for Loyalists and Native Americans.

Due:  Friday, February 21

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Flash Cards from Foner Ch 5

Follow the link:

You can quick Register, using this as Registration Code:  WWYQ-HCXX

Or sign up for "Free Trial".

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Vocabulary Words to Know

Crispus Attucks;    
“virtual representation”;
Dunmore’s Proclamation; 
Committees of Safety; 
Sons of Liberty; 
Daughters of Liberty; 
writs of assistance; 
“American exceptionalism”; 
Olive Branch Petition; 
Committees of Correspondence

 Quiz:  Thursday, February 13

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Road to Revolution classwork

The Road to Revolution

1.  Read Foner, pages 184-195, take notes.

Due:  Friday, February 7

2.   Read Foner, pages 195-214, take notes.

Answer Review Questions, page 216.

Define Key Terms, page 217.

Due:  Tuesday, February 11